HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language", it is the basic computer language that structures a webpage. In fact, every web the you see is created by HTML, it is the programming language that is mostly used, even today! Think of it like a house, a structure! You can control and create how you want the house to look, and what goes inside! That's for later on, we are focusing on the foundation for now!
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The code on the side is the basic mark up for any HTML page. The words in between the arrow brackets are called "tags", and they control how your html page is built, just like a structure of a home! Copy the code and paste it in "Notepad" or your favorite editor, and save it to your desktop as "index.html"
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CSS stands for Cascading Style sheet, and it does just that, gives your HTML page SSTTYYLLEEEEEEE!!! Css allows you to add shapes, colors, placements for text and objects, allows control for more advanced functionality, and for desktop to mobile responsibility.
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So, what we are going to do is create a style tag within our html page, just for now! From there, we will discuss a few, very easy codes that will have really cool results! These are great experiments and impressive even for the most seasoned developer!
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Javascript is one of the programming languages that gives the page functionality such as: toggles, sliders, ect.
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Javascript is a great programming language to enhance your web page with all sorts of interactive, animated, automated, and many many more functional situations! This script is the third on the list when building a web page! When you pull up a website, you the page (like a house, where you content will live), the style, (which is like the style of your house and such..), and then we have Javascript, (which makes your house functional!)is the third script to render out on the web page!
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Jquery is much like javascript except it is smaller, faster, and much more fun and easier to work with. Like javascript, it can render animation, text, imagery, and is great for mashup development purposes like mixing in code for php and ajax!
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jQuery is a javascript library and much easier to learn. You can use jQuery to simplify your javascript code, compile the many functions you want into very short, sometimes one line of code vs javascript, which can more tedious! For instance, we will be doing a short toggle test just like we did with javascript except we will use jQuery instead.
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Jason is a custom website developer and graphic designer with extensive experience in computer software scripting, computer animation, and customer service. His current focus on creating websites and creating e-commerce stores is preceded by 10 + years in software development, and eight years in the U.S. Navy.
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Draconmedia Studios, The New Ambition
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